I just started reading a book entitled "The Post-American Presidency" by Pamela Geller with Robert Spencer. I haven't even gotten out of the Preface yet and I am already wanting to memorialize, if only for myself, some quotes from the book -- here.
The subject matter at this juncture has to do with Barack Obama's upbringing, and to wit, the fact that he simply just did not grow up in America. In his own words, he says, "I was a little Jakarta street kid." When you hear how he grew up in the state of Hawaii, it would do well for you to remember that Hawaii has only become a state of the Union two years prior to his birth, and many there were not happy about it.
IMPACT! (Yes, this is what I was reading when I felt the "IMPACT" of her words.)
Pamela Geller then says this: "You have to grow up in America to get America. Or you have to escape tyranny, oppression, and suppression and live the dream by emigrating to America. Obama is missing the DNA of the USA. It's just not in him--through no fault of his own."
Obama has read a very different book...."The Post-American World" by Fareen Zakaria was his choice while on the campaign trail in 2008.
"Obama is missing the DNA of the USA."
Today I just happened to be watching a DVD entitled "Sinbad: Where U Been?"
In the first 10 minutes of the show Sinbad began to talk about Obama. He made some very funny remarks, and then he said this about his fellow "brotha's" reaction and response to Obama - when they first became aware of him, running for President of the United States of America. Sinbad quipped, ",,,we was textin' each other -- who IS this
brotha' - wait just a dang minute -- I never seen him before! Ha! Just you wait...next time he'll (meaning another possible black presidential nominee for President of the USA) be a
brotha' from Cleveland,,,,then you'll see --- how it REALLY is!"
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